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Be the first who gets exclusive access to TestResults.io User1

Automate non-automatable applications and enhance your end-to-end software testing with automated software tests from the users’ perspective —black box testing, without technological limitations. TestResults.io User1 is your user 1 for every release. Stable test execution across different applications and devices delivers results fast and is easier to handle than a Tamagotchi.

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Autonomous software testing platform to test entire user journeys
The universal test automation approach allows for automating entire user journeys across different applications (desktop, web, mobile), core systems, ERPs, front-end, back-end, systems, and devices - up to batch processing, e-mail checks, … - in the same way. As simple as reading this.
Fast learning curve
You have the first test case (50 steps) automated in less than 2 days —even without technical background and knowledge of TestResults.io.
up to 74% less time spent automating
Even without training or technical background, TestResults.io users are super fast in automating their test cases.
up to 50% faster in execution
Through the unique approach, the execution time is cut between 30%-50% compared to other test automation tools.
96%+ less flaky
Customers report that TestResults.io is the most stable solution they have ever used
Get me in - for free

You have the exclusive chance to get access to TestResults.io User1 before everyone else  

We’re releasing the first version of this even more advanced and universal autonomous software testing platform, with various never-before-seen features, to make automated software testing more straightforward and fun than you've ever experienced. 

Is that even possible? You’re probably thinking.

Apply now and give us feedback. We’d love to hear about your experience and thoughts on TestResults.io User1.

The early access is by invitation & application only

Apply now and get access for free  

If you’d like to shape TestResults.io User 1 and the test automation world with us, apply now to get your hands on it before everyone else.


mid-July ’24  – mid-September ‘24

It would be great if you’re actively using TestResults.io User1 during 6 of the 8 weeks, no worries about your summer vacation


Your feedback, inputs and thoughts are highly appreciated, as we always love to learn from experts like you.

You're in direct contact with the core development team in slack, you're invited to the weekly design input meetings, if you want to join. And we keep you updated.


Fill in the questionnaire below. It takes less than 5 minutes.

One of our experts will contact you either way. It might take a few days, so don't get nervous if you don't hear back right away.

Fill in this questionnaire to apply

It takes less than 5 minutes.

Test your entire user journey automated, even the non-automatable applications


TestResults.io User1 is a platform for autonomous software testing. Our mission is to make test automation stable and independent from the technology of the tested applications, making test automation easily accessible and increasing software quality worldwide.

TestResults.io mission is to improve software quality worldwide
TestResults.io automated black box software testing, like a human
TestResults.io User1, automated black box testing

Based on behavioral psychology and AI, TestResults.io User1 interacts with the software under test like a user would. Instead of using technical and formal logic, like a XPath, CSS Selector, Id or a label with a relative limitation as "to the right of this," TestResults.io User1 uses the application's design to orientate like you do.

It doesn't look for an identifier but the text (label) that describes what a field is, and TestResults.io knows which field is the corresponding one and its specific dimension. We call this Visual Sense, aka Stable Intelligent Software Test Automation.

Don’t worry, User1 can also automate elements that are not previously visible.

As it is pure black box testing, it has no access to the code and no technological limitations. All this is combined with API testing, email virtualisation and a lot more. 

What can be tested

Entire user journeys across all devices, systems, and applications (desktop, web, mobile) can be tested, including batch processing, e-mail checks, ERPs, front-end and back-end, etc.

If you, as a user, can interact with it, TestResults.io can test it.

Entire user journeys across all devices, systems, and applications (desktop, web, mobile) can be tested, including batch processing, e-mail checks, ERPs, front-end and back-end, etc.
Prompt-to-Automate GenAI Feature TestResults.io User1
GenAI prompt-to-automate

Based on the auto-generated model - the abstraction of the applications to be tested - TestResults.io GenAI generates/automates test steps based on the prompted user journey across all applications. Based on the delivered context(software model), GenAI gets the necessary interactions to execute the prompted test step.Currently,you specify the use cases to be tested. In the future, TestResults.io will recognize relevant test cases, adapt them for the corresponding application and test your application autonomously.

I want to get access

You have the exclusive chance to get access to TestResults.io User1 before everyone else  

In other words, there is no risk involved. You get your hands on the latest technology on the market— for free —and might even get tons out of it. 

In the best-case scenario, you might get the solution you've been looking for your entire life, or at least since you know about TestResults.io User1.

In the worst-case scenario, you learned about something new, got a different perspective on software test automation, and met fun new people from the software testing sphere.

What happens after these two months of early access?  

We will keep you updated throughout the entire 8 weeks. If it was fun for you but not your cup of tea, we will thank you for being part of this exclusive group and for your feedback and wave goodbye. We’ll still send you a LinkedIn connection request and might even cry slightly, but that's part of the farewell.

If you're amazed at how fast you're automating super-stable tests and that you're now able to test entire user journeys across whatever—even the non-automatable application—you're welcome to keep using TestResults.io User 1 with a 20% discount for life.

Frequently Asked Questions

You might find answers to your question here. You have a question, that is not covered here, shoot us an email to info@testresults.io

How can I get early access to TestResult.io User1?

1. You fill in the application form here.

2. If you're a match, we hop on a quick call to clarify your questions and ensure we're on the same page. If you're not a match for any reason, we will email you a personal explanation of why we didn't pick you.

3. If we both still think it's a great idea after the call, you're in. You'll receive a confirmation email and everything you need to get access in mid-July.

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For whom are you looking - can I join?

We're looking for software testers, test automation engineers, and QA managers with test automation experience from any automated testing tooling(no-code/low-code/code) working in enterprises with 200+ employees. Who loves to make automated testing more feasible while increasing software quality worldwide. Who wants to design the next big thing in the automation testing market.

Is it a match for yo – and see if I want to stick around after the first date

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What if I change my mind after the initial call?

It's like dating. You can "swipe" for TestResults.io User1 by filling in the application form and see if you want to stay after we first meet.

If you don't like being part of it, no hard feelings; you don't have to. 

If you decide after the call to commit to it, we expect you to be an active part of the early access period.

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What if I'm on holiday during the early access period, mid-July to mid-September?

No worries. Everyone needs a break. It would be great if you're actively using TestResuts.io User1 during 6 of the 8 weeks.

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What is TestResults.io User1 early access?

It's exclusive access before everyone else has access to TestResults.io User1, the autonomous software platform, to test automated from the user's perspective. It's by invitation and application only. 

If you get in, you can actively shape TestResults.io User1 with your feedback, input, and thoughts on how you like it. You will be in contact with the core development team in slack and you're invited to the weekly design meeting if you'd like to join (you don't have to), and your opinion will significantly impact the further development of User1.

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How much does the early access cost?

It's free of charge. As an early access user, you get a 20% lifetime discount on TestResults.io User1 after the early access has ended.

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What does the 10-week period of early access look like?

You get full access to TestResults.io User1 and a short onboarding as a kick-off. During the early access, you can test drive User1 and automate your real-life test cases across different applications, systems, and devices. 

During the 10 weeks, you are in contact with the core development team to share your thoughts, feedback, ideas, and inputs on your experience with User1 and what you like and dislike. Your opinion and expertise will significantly impact future development.

To get the most out of this time, you should engage with User1 during 8-10 weeks.

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What is the difference between TestResults.io and TestResults.io User1?

TestResults.io is the autonomous software test platform available on the market. 

TestResults.io User1  is the new universal platform of TestResults.io with tons of enhancements and new features. Right now, it is only available through exclusive early access by invite and application.

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Why should I want to get early access to TestResults.io User1?

You get your hands on the latest technology on the market—for free—and might even get tons out of it for free. 

+ Faster and easier automation
+ Test automation for non-automatable applications
+ Automation of entire user journeys. Even if third-party applications, old core/legacy applications, or other technology is involved, you're not in control of
+ One approach for all devices, applications, systems
+ Stable test automation – no more fighting to keep your test cases alive

And the perks don't end with early access. Once the period is over, you'll enjoy a 20% discount for life on User1, a significant saving for a tool that's set to revolutionize your testing process.

Besides that, after the early access ended, you get a 20% discount for life on User1.

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Do I get recognition for being part of the early access?

If you're open to it, we'd love to give you a shoutout on LinkedIn. We understand that not everyone wants to be in the spotlight, so we'll only do this with those who are comfortable being publicly recognized for their expertise and contributions.

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What are the perks?

During the early access, you'll receive a complimentary User1 license. And even after, you'll enjoy a 20% discount on User1 licenses for life.

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Is there any risk involved for me?

Rest assured, there is absolutely no risk involved in early access to TestResults.io User1. We're confident in the value it will bring to your testing process, and we're offering this opportunity with no strings attached.

In the worst-case scenario, you learned about something new, got a different perspective on software test automation, and met fun new people from the software testing sphere.

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